There are a lot of reasons clients may have a gap between what they should have saved for retirement and what they actually have accumulated. Perhaps they were late in getting started or a market loss set them back.
Whatever the reason, EquiTrust has products to help your clients fill their retirement gap in different ways – while also protecting those hard-earned retirement savings from downside market risk.
MarketForce Bonus Index Annuity among our bonus products, MarketForce offers the highest rates – and thus the highest earning potential. The 8% Premium Bonus is credited on day one – no bonus vesting schedule! This Premium Bonus is not only added to the Accumulation Value on which interest credits are calculated, but is also part of the Death Benefit. The 10% penalty-free withdrawals available after the first contract year are based on the Accumulation Value including the bonus. The higher rates are available for a 1.50% Rate Buy-Up Fee.
MarketMax Index Annuity offers maximum earning potential with caps as high as 9.5% – among the highest in the industry. The higher rate index strategies are available for a 1.0% Rate Buy-Up Fee.
MarketPower Bonus Index Annuity boosts your clients’ accumulated retirement savings with a 10% Premium Bonus credited on day one – no bonus vesting schedule! This Premium Bonus is not only added to the Accumulation Value on which interest credits are calculated, but is also part of the Death Benefit. The 10% penalty-free withdrawals available after the first contract year are based on the Accumulation Value including the bonus.
MarketTen Bonus Index Annuity offers a 6% Premium Bonus on all premiums added through the 5th contract year to help encourage your clients to contribute to their retirement savings. Like our other Premium Bonus products, the bonus is credited the day the premium is received and boosts the Accumulation Value, Death Benefit, base value for interest credit calculations and penalty-free withdrawal amounts available.
Competitive Bonus and Accumulation-Focused Index Annuities – click here