Happy National Preservation Month
The month of May is National Preservation Month. The celebration of Historic Preservation upgraded from a week of recognition to a month long celebration in 2005 to provide more time for organizations across the country to promote historic preservation efforts. Preservation is the art and science of retaining and sustaining an object’s historic fabric. Historic preservation is often defined as the process of identifying, protecting, and enhancing buildings, places, and objects of historical and cultural significance. This process embraces many phases including the survey and evaluation of historical, architectural, and cultural resources in an area and the development of planning to protect these resources in the future. The National Trust for Historic Preservation theme this year for Preservation Month is "People Saving Places". When it comes to people, we are grateful to have an incredibly talented, dedicated, and knowledgeable staff which includes traditionally trained decorative painters, ornamental plasterers, masons, carpenters, fine art conservators, and architectural material conservators that allows us to do the work we love while providing the quality and detail that we pride ourselves on bringing to every project. With over 45 years experience, we are expert Preservation Problem Solvers with a Goal of Perfecting Preservation and are most honored to help keep the history alive of some of the country's most prestigious landmarks and historic buildings for current and future generations to enjoy with the preservation, conservation and restoration work we do. We thank all those involved in preserving the historic treasures all around us, for putting in your time, energy, hard work and resources into these preservation efforts and making a difference. Keep up the good work!
In the below links you can find some of the projects we have highlighted in the past for Preservation Month.